1 definition by The Antinymph


noun; adjective

noun: a very sweet girl; a very beautiful girl; a fun outgoing kind of person; a girl who everyone loves; "That girl" that every guy wants to go out with, but can't seem to get her; a girl who can be mean if pissed off; a girl who never "goes with the flow"; "That girl" every other girl wants to be; a girl who whenever down, will be paraded with people willing to help them out; a girl who can become close friends with anyone they please;

adjective: not being able to be an ass; being gorgeous; being understanding; being the life of the party; being naturally beautiful; trustworthy; funny;
"Oh my gosh, Mashaal you look so gorgeous with anything you try on!!"

"Yea haha she's so Mashaal, she stayed up all night at the party"

"God, your such an ass... Why can't you be more of a Mashaal?"
by The Antinymph August 29, 2011
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