2 definitions by Thatminnesotangirl

The place you IMMEDIATELY go when one of your friend makes a reference and you're like what the heck? But you pretend that you actually know what it means. Then you go on urban dictionary and are like duhhhhhhh that's what it means😳
Didn't know what a blowjob was, thank god for urban dictionary.
by Thatminnesotangirl April 6, 2015
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A nice place to live that is cold in the winter, and up to 105 in the summer. We don't cancel school unless the windchill is -60 like last year. We have great schools and take forever to say goodbye. Have lots of different people are are I guess pretty "nice" not much racism here. Oh and we have a lake basically everywhere
I really like living in Minnesota
by Thatminnesotangirl April 6, 2015
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