3 definitions by ThatRandomKid

Means Shut the fuck up in French.
Gueule means the mouth of an animal
"Ferme ta gueule, espèce d'idiot!"
by ThatRandomKid January 16, 2022
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Look at Niala, isn't she so Persian!?
by ThatRandomKid October 28, 2013
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A thug who he/she has action(s) that question their status as a thug.
Ex 1. Raddon (From Blue Mountain State ) shoots Alex Moran, proving he's a thug, but becoming a nerd later and wants a baby mama, ect. Thus he being a questionable thug

Ex 2. A thug enjoys listening to J-Pop, questioning if he/she is a real thug.
by ThatRandomKid February 18, 2013
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