2 definitions by That guy me

A total fat loser butch lesbian straight girl that loves to get butt raped and only accepts golden showers as a form of cleaning her self off, she loves to be used as a toilet and begs for numerous people to piss on her to allow her to “clean up” she also likes the taste of infected pussy
Ted: dude where’s the bathroom I gotta piss

Random guy:idk but Kam is right over there just user her she practically begs for it

Kambrya: yess please please drench me in your bodily fluids!!!
by That guy me July 18, 2022
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Noun. A person that engages in promiscuous sexual practices whenever whereever.
Jenna is a fourthmealer because she's easy, fast, and open late for any man.
by That guy me September 1, 2006
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