2 definitions by That Kid You Don't Know

To "do a bowen" is to hit someone over the head with a keyboard when you are vexed.
Woah, that kid just did a bowen on that poor girl from the library. I hear she's gone to hospital!
by That Kid You Don't Know February 20, 2011
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Leah is the most amazing person you will ever meet. She is the prettiest person I know, but doesn't beleive it. She is shy at first, but once you get to know her, she's a fire cracker! She is super nice and has a heart of gold. She is the kind of person that everyone wants to be friends with, but she only opens up to those she trusts.
Boy 1: "Who's that girl over there?"
Boy2: "That's Leah Rose. Isn't she perfect?"
Boy 1: "That's an understatement."
by That Kid You Don't Know May 28, 2013
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