2 definitions by That dude from your school

A baseball player for the Boston Red Socks who has a super goofy stance when he pitches. His pitching stance is so weird that fans often stand up and imitate him in the stands to try and throw him off, but it doesn’t usually work, because he got laser focus.
ANNOUNCER: Kraig Kimbrel, getting ready for the windup....what is that? What....what is he DOING?? Weird...
.......Oh....wow...he actually got a strikeout
by That dude from your school February 22, 2019
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A slang word for someone who has moved from their home-state of California to another state and began screwing everything up.
That Fornian cut me off driving to work today! Friggin Fornian!
That Fornian just moved nextdoor to me and is building the most rickety little fence I ever saw.

Fornians are coming in the droves
by That dude from your school February 22, 2019
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