1 definition by TerryLundgren

An institution where countless bright professionals accidentally drop by and sacrifice their career, sanity, will to live, happiness, and financial gain.

Workplace Environment: All the senior executives refuse to leave their post, retire, or advance to another position. Many of them had same job/title for over 10 to 20 years. (yet they waste countless work hours on succession planning twice a year)

Their idea of executive training is to delegate insane amount of work to few bright talents until they leave the company. (Some lose their mind and actually pretend they are Joker from Batman movies......)

Rumors say many new executives out of school made more money working at local McDonald's while in school compared to their Macy's salary.

Bonus = Macy's money.

Benefits: Must work in the store once a yr (one actually moved boxes at loading dock in a CK suit). Annual deduction (guilt trips) from welfare salary for United Way. (they set aside this deduction and later classify as Misc income when earnings fall short...)

Macy's never have to have any layoffs.....employees voluntarily leave every month. It is the only company in America still hiring when everyone else is under hiring freeze.
by TerryLundgren October 27, 2008
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