1 definition by TehCutiOnary

A game vaguely similar to The Sims + a chatroom.

Although looked down on by many, it's not that bad. You don't HAVE to spend money on Habbo to enjoy it, seeing as you register for free, and you can still have your own homepage/access to any room/have your pixel look like anything you want.

There's two kind of rooms - Public and Guest. Public rooms are made by Habbo themselves, Guest rooms are made by Habbo players.

Guest rooms are often mini communities of many kinds. Military simulations, gang simulations, police simulations, chill rooms, etc.

There are around 50 or so different kinds of Habbo, each is based on a certain country, most people being in that 'Hotel are from such a country, although you get the odd "foreigner" (i.e. mostly Americans on Habbo USA, but there's also British and Canadians). The four English speaking ones are:

Habbo UK
Habbo USA
Habbo Canada
Habbo Australia

I used to play Habbo a lot in 2006 and 2007, but quit in 2008 after getting bored.

Former Habbo US user.
by TehCutiOnary January 24, 2009
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