2 definitions by TeensTranslator

Usually used by people whose native language is not English, "NMFL" stands for "Not My First Language". However, it can be used by anyone whose language they are speaking (on the internet) is not their native language.

It is easier to use NMFL instead of making a whole sentence apologising for the spelling mistakes (although it can be used by people who master the language they are speaking as well).
person x : NMFL - *paragraph*
by TeensTranslator September 4, 2021
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YFW stands for « you fuck(ing) with ».

Here, that means playing or not treating someone or something correctly. You can also say FW (=fuck(ing) with) or FWY (= fuck(ing) with you).
person a : I don’t like them anyways, I just like the attention

person b : So, yfw them?

person a : They finally asked me out!
person b : They are just fwy, you know…
by TeensTranslator September 4, 2021
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