2 definitions by Ted mcminn

The process of scattering bunnies from an area or small circular hole.
Can also be made sexual and violent.
"Hey smelly do you want to go Bunny scurrying?" "yeah sure I'm up for that!"
damn i lost the game ooooooooooooooaa
by Ted mcminn March 29, 2008
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Panda prowling is a simple game. it involves at least two players who must be wearing Panda outfits. what you do is very simple. You go on a rampage around your local town/village/city/place of worship and cause absolute mayhem.
You called destroy things in shops, jump in on a local examination in a school, beat each other up in the street or bunny scurry some hoe's. at the end of the day whoever has caused the most mayhem/destruction/loss of toilet roll WINS!!! if you are caught by police GAME OVER!!!
"oh my god that was an absolutely immense game of Panda prowling!" "Yeah dude did u see me tackle that small innocent child into that huge bowl of disgusting tar that was da shizz!!!"
by Ted mcminn March 29, 2008
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