1 definition by Taylor131313

One of the most sexiest girls alive. She has a nice butt that makes the boys go wild. She has a great body. Shes one of the most beautiful people to ever walk the face of the world. She isn't afriad to tell you how she feels. Very popular and well known. Usually has very stunning brown eyes that match her light or dark brown hair. She has and amazing smile that can melt the hearts of others. She is usually very artistic and smart. She is the life of the party. She is very protective of her friends. In a relationship she gives it her all and usually ends up heart broken. She is has many weak spots and only opens up to the ones she trust. An Avery is vet ablovious and doesn't know when she's being taking advantage of. She's is also a spitfire and has a very bad temper with a really big attitude.
Person #1: Hey, do you see that really hot girl over there?
Person #2: Oh yes that's Avery!
Person #3: Man, she's really hot and has a nice package behind her!
by Taylor131313 June 16, 2014
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