1 definition by Tatianakus the III

Sopranoness is a term used to describe the overwhelming talent and efficiency of a soprano. Sopranoness will aid in helping Henry’s hair grow longer, luscious, silky, and gorgeous. It will also prove proficient to attract the wild mikayla.
Mr Hudson:

*In a seductive hudsidian voice*

“ Henry, thy sopranoness is immaculate. Achilles quiv'rs in thy presence. Roland hast fallen from the heavens just to seeth thee. Patroclus hast risen from the dead to stroketh thy luscious locks.”


“Oh that’s hot.”


“WOW Henry, your hair looks fabulous! It has upped your sopranoness!”


“Oh henry, you look so attractive. I am loving your new hair. You have tamed me with thou supreme sopranoness.”
by Tatianakus the III September 19, 2020
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