2 definitions by Talking Hex

The state of mind or conscience where all of your emotions are tangled into one big ball of mess. Usually occurring after the death of a loved one, a messy break up, loss of some thing with sentimental value, or even after a really, really shit day. Usual symptoms include feeling confused, with tangled ideas about who to be angry/sad at. Oh, and feeling the compulsion to write an urban dictionary definition of it.
Yeah, I've just spent 20 minutes on the toilet crying my eyes out over him/her. I pretty much qualify as an emotional wreck...
by Talking Hex October 19, 2010
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A girl who on the face of things seems pretty damn fine, but inside she's got a seriously fucked up mind.
Guy: "Damn, you're freaking hot"

Girl: "Must be clean, I'm dirty, I keep scrubbing but it won't make me clean!"

Guy: "Right....(backs off slowly)"

Girl: "I need to be clean! I'm dirty, I really need to be clean!"

Guy (To his mates): "Yeah, she seemed fine on the surface, but she's really just tainted goods"
by Talking Hex July 21, 2009
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