1 definition by TIAMOOON

Okay, lets get things straight here. Emo kids are actually sometimes the coolist people around. Okay, okay. Just because I said you'd be "cool" dont brand yourself emo cus thats just stupid...
Emo kids are usually picked on, or mocked. In fact, kids who get mocked for being emo may not even be emo. Prime example, at school i have two freinds. They spend there lunchtimes singing to Panic! and MCR (badly i must say, but they are entertaining) due to this, our table at school has been branded the "emo table" oooookay. Theres no logic in that! I mean, we all like listening to rock music (thus that may be why we have our brand -emo table) but whatever!

Noooow. If you wanna find a TRUE emo kid, lets look for the common signs, no? (boys)
. Usually long hair that covers an eye. Sometimes also be spiked at the top. Usually dyed black, or can be brown. (Emo boy hair is hawt <3)
. Black eyeliner. Yep, emo boys wear eyeliner XD
. Heavy rimmed glasses, usually black. Classed as "nerd glasses
. Tight t shirts that may have a symbolic meaning. Also they usually wear a black hooded jumper with a band logo on the back
. A messenger bag with pin badges of bands up the strap
. Maybe skinny jeans designed for woman...
. Ever converse all star or vans
. Wrist bands

-Clothing is about the same for emo girls.

Right, and btw all emo kids DONT cut themselves! JEEEZ
Aw look at the emo kid. He has cute hair ^^
by TIAMOOON January 25, 2007
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