1 definition by TE69420ETC

Possibly the least known city in Ohio, despite its being the county seat, Delaware remains unknown even to many of the people who live in the state capital, Columbus (approx. 30 mi. S). Symptoms include immediate drop in IQ, moderate to severe befuddlement, a sudden urge to hang your pants around your knees, and constant depression due to the air of mediocrity and lack of desire to do anything about it.
Dude 1: Hey, some guy from a place called Delaware is gonna meet me in the food court! Will you mapquest it for me?

Dude 2: ... What the hell, man? I just used this thing, like, five minutes ago! What's going on?

Dude 1: Unlock your screen, dude. And what in the Lord's name are you doing with your pants???
by TE69420ETC December 4, 2010
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