1 definition by T. Kite

Since whoever wrote the last entry was young, foolish, and obviously under educated in Izod, I will explain how Izod came to be.

Izod and Lacoste used to be part of the same company, and the clothing line was originally called "Izod Lacoste" and featured a small crocodile emblem.

Eventually Izod and Lacoste had differences of opinion over labor of the products. Izod wanted to design clothes in France, and have them made in foreign countries with cheap labor. Lacoste wanted no part of it, and kept design and manufacture in France while Izod split off and did his own thing. Eventually now you see that since Lacoste kicked the bucket, the new owner of the company went the way Izod wanted to go originally and all Lacoste shirts are now "Designed in France, Made in wherever".

So, that is the REAL story of Izod, and how they went from having a crocodile to a crest on their shirt. As well, when I was a teenager in the 80's, they were always just referred to as "Izod" and Lacoste was sort of passe as if that part of the company name didn't matter. It was an IZOD, and it was famous for the crocodile.

Izod,Lacoste,Izod,Lacoste,Izod,Lacoste The original name and history behind Izod and Lacoste.
by T. Kite May 25, 2006
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