2 definitions by Synthesiac

A Mediocre player, usually someone who thinks they are good at Curve Fever and believe they are highly intelligent and dominant. A Sminty is usually smart and slightly muscular. Although they lack any sort of dominance and higher intelligence they are fairly weak when it comes to their skills in Curve Fever, a Sminty is easily defeated by a Pixel bomb which usually results in an instant death.
Jordan: I'm the best at Curve Fever, you got nothing on me, I'm the biggest Sminty, better than everyone
Me: Aight k.
by Synthesiac September 25, 2018
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A terrible Curve Fever player. Usually named Jordan and thinks they are hot shit. contrary to their belief they are absolute trash and can easily be beat by a simple Pixel Bomb
Me: Aight k
by Synthesiac September 25, 2018
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