2 definitions by Sweetwater242

Tindler Swindler Pussy

Pussy capable of causing a person to do the unthinkable, leaving a person susceptible to being swindled.
In 2009 Mr. Davis agreed to loan Ms. Koffia $10,000 with the hopes of getting repaid, after getting a taste of her Tindler Swindler Pussy. It now 2022 and Koffia debt is outstanding.
by Sweetwater242 May 8, 2022
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Tindler Swindler Cock

Cock designed to swindle/ Dick capable of making a person do the unthinkable
Alex Davis possess is a Tindler Swindler Cock. After getting a taste of his Tindler Swindler Cock, Ms. KOFFIEA loaned Mr. Davis $6,000 in cash in the space of 2 weeks.
by Sweetwater242 May 8, 2022
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