3 definitions by SustainedLizard

Bird City

Sometimes used to refer to the Baltimore Ravens organization not super prevalent and well known however.
Ravens take the lions in overtime! Bird city is erupting!
by SustainedLizard January 6, 2024
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KMart Connection

When someone's Internet connection has become so unbearably bad that it is laughable and meme worthy. Insinuating that KMart wifi is not desirable.
"Damn John lagged out of the lobby again?"
"Yea he got that KMart connection up & runnin."
by SustainedLizard June 9, 2023
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A man who has extensive knowledge in the spelling arena. Similar to, say, a fireman or longshoreman. Usually found practicing spelling words.
Lots of people are considering being cops because they don’t contain the capacity to become a Spellman.
by SustainedLizard May 19, 2023
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