2 definitions by Supguysfriedchicken

A character on NASCAR Racing 2003 Season who sucks at every track except Daytona and Talladega, which are drafting tracks, but if he is not damaged, will end up usually winning the whole fucking race.

This character is also able to land all the women, and is known to say "SUP GUYZ, FRIED CHICKEN!"
Mr. Etc just $5000 and a spinned your ass at Talladega, taking the lead 6 wide at Talladega, with Smith and Schoenhoser behind him, FOR ETC.
by Supguysfriedchicken October 19, 2006
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The best singer-songwriter in history. He can often be found with a cigar in his mouth, since he is a badass.
Jim Croce's mustache made him a hit with the ladies as he sung about cool stuff.
by Supguysfriedchicken December 3, 2008
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