2 definitions by Sunshine326

A band that has broken from their record label and gone indie, but they still sell out shows across the United States. Yes, they did write mmmbop, but at an age when you could barely learn the words to a song, much less write your own. They are currently touring and writing music, and are about to come out with a documentary called "Strong Enough to Break", about their journey as a band and how they broke from their record label. They are fabulous musicians with hardcore fans. Why? Because they are amazing and continue to grow with each album. This band will be around for a long time.
"Hanson? They're still around?"
"Yeah and they're awesome - listen to their acoustic album, it's great."
...a few days later...
"I can't believe it. I like Hanson. I want to marry Issac. He's hot."
by Sunshine326 January 23, 2006
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A man who came into Christianity kicking and screaming. He was extremely intelligent and was reasoned into Christianity after being an athiest for most of his life as a young adult. It had nothing to do with emotions and everything to do with Truth.
His books make those who read them realize that becoming a Christian is meant to expand your mind as well as your faith. It's about being able to give an answer for why you believe something, not just saying that you blindly believe it. C.S. Lewis knows his stuff, and makes you want to know it too.
Mere Christianity is a book written by C.S. Lewis that tells what Christians believe and why it makes sense.
by Sunshine326 January 23, 2006
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