2 definitions by SuP3r 1337 Br0 J3s73R

Any sport that can be played in a space of time known as bro-ing out. Uniforms require at least sunglasses, a rugby shirt with a popped collar, and any other clothing that would be associated with being a bro.
Me and the bros are going to play some broball at the brodome, then we'll brobably just bro out.
by SuP3r 1337 Br0 J3s73R November 2, 2008
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Any sport that can be played in a space of time known as bro-ing out. Uniforms require at least sunglasses, a rugby shirt with a popped collar, and any other clothing that would be associated with being a bro.
Me and the bros are going to play some broball at the brodome, then we'll brobably just bro out.
by SuP3r 1337 Br0 J3s73R November 2, 2008
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