3 definitions by Sturdy Runner

Verb. Relaying information to, or being an asset of some government intelligence agency, usually the CIA or NSA
"Just because you buy your phones from china doesn't mean they wont glow, you'll probably have some CCP shit on there, they will just glow a different color."

"Sometimes I wonder if Bitcoin was created by the NSA to make currency glow more."
by Sturdy Runner February 20, 2022
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Internet slang used most commonly on Discord by so- called "Discord packers"- generally meaning the action of confronting someone in some, (usually virtual) social situation, and making said situation as humiliating, cognitively/emotionally disruptive, and/or demoralizing for said person, usually by directing ridiculous and highly offensive jokes or insults towards them or, more generally, being obnoxious, insulting and disruptive to everyone in the situation, usually with a goal of making someone leave or ignore the situation entirely or to assert dominance over them.
"That nigga's getting packed in VC right now"
"Can ya'll stop text packing here and bring it somewhere else"
"This audio is so damn loud, I might use it for packing someday"
by Sturdy Runner February 20, 2022
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n. A movement technique that originated from the video game Agar.io and exists in practically all of its clones. A splitrun always involves 2 players that do repeated "splits" and eat the other's smaller "cells" in a cyclic motion, most often to create a sustained movement of the whole in a disired direction.
Definitions vary depending on the type of splitrun, the game in question, and the player, but the above information is most agreeable upon.

Sometimes used as a verb- "to splitrun, "splitrunning"

Past tense forms of the verb are not widely used.
"Look at their splitrun, it's super clean."
"Wanna help me practice my splitrun?"
"They went all the way across the map using a splitrun."
"Just play faster when you know someone's splitrunning at you."
"We should splitrun up to the top left corner."
"I've been spectating but havn't caught them splitrunning yet, guess theyre noobs."
by Sturdy Runner February 24, 2022
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