3 definitions by Strafner

Word made by David It also means that it was made by david.
Strafner was made by david.
by Strafner December 5, 2018
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Daniel is a caring and loving person very kind and forgiving, also hella fat n shit he hela neggative bruh, like you buy him McDonald's and he says "thanks" but like an hour later he's like" f*ck u dude why didn't you buy me and soda for that McDonald's " so don't buy him food cus he ain't gonna be thankful nigga and the first things I said was a lie
Daniel, the most negative person Eva like Eva man wtf. Daniel means strafner
by Strafner August 26, 2018
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A word created by David meaning nothing and everything.
"Hey daniel, what is the meaning to life?" "Kasploishisn", says daniel.
by Strafner June 2, 2022
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