1 definition by Stillnobody

They are as uncommon as the spelling of their name. Cutest and the most adorable humans on earth but also the most misunderstood ones. They might appear cold and distant on the outside but they actually have the warmest hearts. They are insecure little kids so you have to be their secure buttons. They won't trust you easily but you should trust them wholeheartedly. Love them and they will love you even more - more, more and more. You hurt these babies > you lose them, if not instantly but eventually you surely will so either LOVE them from the beginning or LEAVE them alone forever.
Was it Shoumili who defended my name today ? Damn ! Even my friends were sitting quietly, without a word of support. Why did she do that ? (On the inside : I'm really thankful to her for doing that.)
by Stillnobody November 23, 2021
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