10 definitions by Stevepower

N. Adj. The worst of the worst phone service. The bars are ALWAYS on low, and in the middle of class when you are in the building, it BEEPS to let you know how bad the signal is. Mine beeps all the time. Pretty much the WORST company. The only good thing about it is the real ringtones which may I add are about 5 bucks each.
by Stevepower November 26, 2006
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The school that kids from "My gym partner's a monkey" go to. The show is pretty much pointless. It's about a boy named Adam Lion and he is moved to Charles Darwin Middle (Charles Darwin the theory of evolution). So, he gets a gym partner thats a monkey with a huge ass and its pretty much about hijinks of a boy with problems and a monkey with an ass he likes to show off.
by Stevepower August 10, 2006
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The thing you use after shaking everybodies hand in Church. Or just if someone that is gross comes near you. Once you use it, you fell good. Somewhat like crack or herion.... but it disinfects.
*In 30 seconds or more*
Purell helps me live
by Stevepower August 31, 2006
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