1 definition by Starqueen11123

A person like yazzlin is hard to find she is a type of person who will be so kind and generous but don't cross her or she will end you she is gorgeous, smart, has a smart mouth,kind, really opinionated, a great friend, can keep a secret, gives good advice, can be a bitch if she wants to, if you ever ask her for your opinion she will not hold anything back she is probably short she is under 5'4 had dark hair brown eyes, probably has glasses she probably keeps her circle small really shy but once you get to know her you will love her , she definitely doesn't open up very quickly doesn't like to talk about her feelings always has her guard up she will normally goes for guys name who start with and A,C,D,J,B just keep her feed and give her food and you will find the way to her heart her type of guy is taller than her or the same height probably short hair or buzzed but long hair is cute too she will go for like a sporty guy or a skater but he has to have a great personality and a sense of humor .
by Starqueen11123 March 31, 2019
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