1 definition by Starcraft Admin

TFE-OUTLAW was one of the greatest american players on one of the most popular online pc games STARCRAFT he played for team USA 1998-2007 he played the game better then most and played the race Protoss better then anyone. he achieved greatness status multiple times killing koreans and other newbs from newb countries he has one of the highest apm's ever recorded in a ladder game also he never used hacks or cheated that being said he might be the greatest player on starcraft of all time coming out of the USA we know him as TFE-OUTLAW GiTM.PrObe OutlaweM Outlaw.Onfire and Simply in RL as Mike.... Thank you mike for owning newbs with all of us your truely one of the greatest players we ever got the honor to play with. FOLLOW UP - - - - - Outlaw now plays ps3 games online probably owning newbs like always. iii-Punisher-iii is his PSnetwork name
That guy is raping that korean who is he? TFE-OUTLAW Damn that guys protoss is amazing who is he? TFE-OUTLAW TFE-OUTLAW is the most badass starcraft player of all time i love him i have 4 sisters that would marry him.
by Starcraft Admin December 13, 2009
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