2 definitions by St.Mary

Someone who has a stupid tattoo that makes no sense whatsoever to anyone that sees it.

Usually a foreign language, or letters from a different language.
Jeff is a tat tard. He got a tattoo on his arm in some funky foreign language that no one knows, it is probably Taiwanese and says, "Dumb Ass"!

by St.Mary January 14, 2006
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Someone who screws anyone with tattoos. They will do it for the ink. It doesn't matter who or what the tattooee is, the tart is in it for the art.

Not to be confused with a Tat Tard; who has a stupid tattoo that makes no sense whatsoever to anyone that sees it.
That Brenda will boink anyone with a tattoo!! She is a real Tat Tart!!

Bobby is so hot for Tattoos, he carries a Sharpie Marker for emergencies!!!
by St.Mary January 14, 2006
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