1 definition by Splats >.<

I am what the chavs and chavette's call a greeeebooo, in the same way a fog horn blows.I wear things that I think look nice and that I'm comfortable with. I get abuse because of the way I dress and the music I listen to. I reckon what I listen to is tonnes better than that pure s**t that these people who think they rule the earth listen to. I mean all it is, is a bunch of curse's put to a beat that lasts for what seems like three hours. Im not offensive unless provoced, Im not aggressive, and I don't have the potentiol of a dead squirrel. I'm just a normal human being with a unique tatse in music. My everyday casual dress is, baggy jeans with maybe a chain hanging down one side, a black, red, dark pink or white top and some wicked accessories, like maybe a few gummy bracelets and maybe a chain bracelet and an arm warmer. I feel good in this clothing because it is what i WANT to wear, not what I have to!! If people don't like me for what I am then I don't really care. My friend Nicole was beaten up for being a greebo, she left school for a week and they still don't treat her right. It's worse than racisism, not that I'd prefer it that way. I just wish all discrimination would be eliminated. I wish there was no difference.
Chav: Greeeeeeboooo!!
Chav 2: ewww ya' dirty gof'!
Greebo: *raises one eyebrow* o...kay? *shrugs shoulders*
Chav: Am yo a greebo? ya greasey f**ker!!
Greebo: And proud! *walks away*
by Splats >.< July 26, 2006
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