62 definitions by Spirit Bear

A person who works in a call center, usually a lifer who has --for reasons unknown to the common man-- not been fired yet and has been deemed somehow superior to other call center agents. His job is either to rove or answer the mentor line. Roving mentors walk around the call center waiting for desperate agents to flag them down, sometimes involving the embarassing process of waving some sign or doing a chicken dance, in order to get help with resolving a customer issue. Mentor line mentors take calls from other call center agents and attempt to talk them through customer issues while the customer is on hold. You can't call the memtor line unless you have someone on hold, but you can get around that by dialing someone else, dialing the mentor line, then hanging up the first dialed line.
Rob summoned a mentor because he needed to do The Big Nasty.
by Spirit Bear October 28, 2004
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In-vertising is a marketing strategy wherein the target audience is pressured into buying a product or service they may or may not need by the intentional insinuation that the audience member must buy the product in order to retain or boost their social standing. In-vertising is often a multi-part scheme which involves manipulation of pop media to increase the popularity of assets heralded herein to be critical to higher social function, such as a song, catch phrase or brand identification.
Some common examples of in-vertising:

Volkswagon's commercials often use obscure musical pieces, which are then pushed to radio and clubs, thereby becoming popular, having the effect that when people hear the tune they find it familiar and question "where have I heard this?" which leads back to Volkswagen's product, thus gaining market exposure for such product.

Apple uses a similar marketing tactic in which an obscure (or established) piece of music is played while the product is moved about on the screen in a pattern that draws the viewer's attention.

Such ads often employ other attention-drawing tactics such as the use of high contrast images (tagged in most of society's brain as the format for important alerts such as street signs and warning labels) and the repetition of recognizable catch phrases (ie "hi I'm a Mac, and I'm a PC").
by Spirit Bear September 9, 2007
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Call center jargon. Short for "shit canned." It can be used to mean getting fired, but it is usually implied that you were canned for a stupid reason, usually called a bullshit reason. Call centers are notorious for making up lame excuses for firing employees in order to improve their financial forcast.
Rob got canned from Deathbridge again today.
by Spirit Bear October 28, 2004
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A paytard is someone who spends money indiscriminately, particularly on the Internet or on technology products.
Mike is such a paytard, he just spent another $400 on a new iPod 40GB even though he already had an iPod 20GB. Is it really that hard to clean up your music library?
by Spirit Bear April 16, 2008
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Banker jargon for credit or debit cards. Usually used in the plural form even when referring to a single card.

Also used as a derogatory term for small-balance credit card holders by those who work in customer care for banks.
The more plastics we put in the hands of consumers the more revenue we generate.

The customer requested new plastics after having cut up their existing ones.

Hold on, I've got a plastic on the phone.
by Spirit Bear June 25, 2007
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iWant describes the urge that Apple customers have to be the first to see, touch, buy, own and use Apple products with partial or total disregard for the product's actual market value, total cost of ownership, usefulness in comparison to similar products on the market and/or other important factors that one would normally consider when making a purchasing decision. May be caused exclusively by or by a combination of peer pressure, charismatic leadership, in-vertising and/or viral marketing.

Consumers of with this predisposition are commonly subjected to the Hippy Tax.
Jerry caved in to iWant and bought the iPhone instead of a more practical and functional Smartphone.

James paid a $200 iWant fee when he bought his iPhone on opening day.

It must have been the iWant that made Kerry pay an extra thousand dollars for an aluminum case and an Apple logo on top of a $400 Intel PC.
by Spirit Bear September 9, 2007
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Such an operation typically involves two cars driven by suspects who box in a victim’s car on a freeway, causing a collision. The scam participants then file fraudulent insurance claims for alleged injuries.
The Insurance Commissioner on Wednesday announced the arrest of the suspected ringleader of a major operation that has allegedly staged more than 60 swoop and squats over the past 18 months, bilking insurers and consumers out of $2 million to $3 million.
by Spirit Bear August 12, 2006
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