2 definitions by Spider Loving x8

Where stupid fat common whores wear ugg boots that are too tight on their all too often shown chunky legs, making fat spill over the sides of the boots.
Person 1: Ewwww look at that ho's legs!
Person 2: Totally all that fucking ugg spill makes me die inside!
by Spider Loving x8 January 7, 2008
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Stupid mockney skank with a stupid 50 year old's face and a 'quirky' dress sense which is pretty much the same as Lily Allen's. Completely overrated and so fucking annoying as she can't rhyme words. And she's ginger.
Kate Nash rhymes:
'Wasted' with 'Pasty'
'Bit scared' with 'aggressive'
'Night' with 'Eye'
What a dumb fuck!
by Spider Loving x8 January 7, 2008
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