1 definition by Spenerina

The Buick Verano, Is known as one of the fastest sport cars around, The Buick Verano is faster then any Bugatti or Ferrari around. The Buick Verano is mostly driven around by older people but the young people that drive these vehicles are the coolest people around, The Buick Verano is a all around good car. Some street names of this vehicle are: The Red Rocket, Pure American Muscle, The Lambo Slayer, The Smoke Giver. If you ever see a Buick Verano on the street dont try to race it because you will lose! But most importantly, Respect the Buick Gang.
Lamborghini Owner: OMG, Its the red rocket, Everyone give this man some respect!
Ferrari owner: That is the coolest car around!
Buick Owner: I know!
by Spenerina November 14, 2019
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