2 definitions by SpeakingFACTSRightHere

A clan in the game called Dragon Ball Z Final Stand, Mostly filled with xbox players. All the users there are toxic, They love posting unnecessary images as well.
Me: Yo have you heard of this Final stand clan called "Yo Fr"
CC: Uhm... No, It seems so random
Me: IKR!!
by SpeakingFACTSRightHere March 3, 2021
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Original owner of a popular discord server, He got rejected for being mentally slow in the brain. He was a close friend to EpiNick as you may know, Red key also has the weakest 2k saiyan in Final Stand.
"Guy 1: Have you ever heard of The Red Key"
"Guy 2: Rarely, I heard his lame ass fell off"
"Guy 1: True, He's probably working as a backup doctor"
by SpeakingFACTSRightHere March 4, 2021
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