4 definitions by Spaceship Earth Astronaut

Any place where people hate being there, but are too scared, or guilted to move on, or organize, or to speak honestly about source of the problem. Where everyone pulls down someone who does something to get out and calls them deserter or quitter because they don't want to be lonely. Most likely a place highly populated with mouthbreathers.

2) shithole, hotel california (you can check out any time you like, but you cant never leave), facebook, small town, abusive relationship, college, Dilbertesque corpo, military

3) Originated from phenomenon of real life behavior of crabs caught in a fishing basket who could technically get out, but the ones near the edges are being pulled down by the ones at the bottom of the basket, hence noone leaves and everyone hates being there
guy1: At first I thought of computers being cool and solving real world problems, but now I'm aware being stuck at this crab bucket with 60h+ work week exhausting job, doing anything to look busy, since any solution to current work will result in extra work being placed on me for the same pay.

guy2: Good thing I heard of small house movement and victory garden, they might be your way out of this shithole.
by Spaceship Earth Astronaut March 24, 2013
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1) Any place where people hate being there, but are too scared, or guilted to move on, or organize, or to speak honestly about source of the problem. Where everyone pulls down someone who does something to get out and calls them deserter or quitter because they dont want to be lonely.

2) shithole, hotel california (you can check out any time you like, but you cant never leave), facebook, small town, abusive relationship, college, dilbert corpo, military

3) Originated from phenomenon of real life behavior of crabs caught in a fishing basket who could technically get out, but the ones near the edges are being pulled down by the ones at the bottom of the basket, hence noone leaves and everyone hates being there.
guy1: At first I thought of computers being cool and solving real world problems, but now I'm aware being stuck at this crab basket with 60h+ work week exhausting job, doing anything to look busy, since any solution to current work will result in extra work being placed on me.

guy2: Good thing I heard of small house movement and victory garden, they might be your way out of this shithole.
by Spaceship Earth Astronaut November 21, 2012
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1. The most favorite term of busybody psychos to hide behind with their thought stomping and overbearing behaviour.
2. A Term used by emotional abusers and other mouthbreathers to justify their indifference to the harm they are doing by being deliberately blind to the obvious consequences of their own personal actions.
3. Originally set to promote proud empowered behaviour that does not harm others (not a single fuck was given that day, as long as I did not do immediate harm to others). However, as with any other postivie and upbringing things it got hijacked and perverted by power tripping authoritarians to promote downbringing, dream killing and ignorance towards free will and self determination.
We decided to stop caring about what other say about us being helicopter parents. From now on we will be assertive and wear it as a badge of honor, no matter how many lives of our kids will be broken by this. Our kids will eventually yield to us. With this economy they will have no other choice.

- From now on I am a plant based person. them vegans seem to be cool guys after you know how to avoid over the top crazies. At least they are somewhat overall healthier then the rest of us, like for example Bill Clinton.
- Shut up and eat your meat. We are assertive family that works with CPS and no child will get behind, including you with your silly selt determined malnurishment. Just do as we tell you, for the hungry kids in Africa. There is no I in the team and we are happy for you to be a teamplayer!
by Spaceship Earth Astronaut August 4, 2013
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1) Person incapable of their own thought, who when faced with a decision, or when asked about personal opinion on something opens up her or his mouth in shock and astonishment that there is such thing as personal opinion. With mouthbreathers it happens constantly due to damage caused by upbringing by helicopter parents, or other emotionally damaging authoritarian or social influences. Can be spotted at every step of social and economic status ladders.

2) A reason why normal people invented law of the land ( equivalent of pinning a note that states "anyone who will touch my coffee cup will get their car keyed" ) and lawyers to herd those idiots away from harming normal families.

3) Equivalent to an alarmist or a zombie - AVOID AT ALL COST - prolonged exposure might lead to compromise of inner emotional barriers and contamination of own soul with emotional AIDS. If you really want to help such person you can only put some objects in their way in hope it will trigger aha moment in them, so they will start slowly doing stuff for themselves - pretty much the same deal as when handling alcoholics. When engaging personally with help there is high chance of them making their mess your business, continuing their crazy of not doing anything for themselves.

4) Private Pyle from Full Metal Jacket after emotional fuckery by Gunnery Sgt Hartman
me (at university): So mr advisor, is what I wrote in thesis valid and does it have your okay stamp?
advisor: No, you gotta change thingie A to B
me: umm... but why? the whole world is doing A. B is kinda retarded way (provided metric shit ton of references)
advisor: No, you gotta change A to B
me: (oh fuck... im dealing with a mouthbreather here...) okaaaay, so can i post that on my blog so the whole world will know you are in favor of B?
advisor: (says nothing)
me: so, can I now assume that A stays and all is kosher?
advisor: *okay*
me: THANK YOU! (sigh... finally)

(true story)
by Spaceship Earth Astronaut November 16, 2012
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