2 definitions by Sot the burninator

Whimsical person demanding that Strong Bad writes a song about him. This leads Strong Bad to throwing a tantrem, explaining that he cannot fullfill everyone's freakin' whim (asking him to write a song about them, dance around in something purple, or send Trogdor to their house), which leads him to writing his first Sibbie-related hit "I will never, ever, ever write a song about Sibbie", which Strong Sad downloaded off the net, and made Strong Bad throw another fit, which in turn inspired the second Sibbie-hit "I freakin'hate Sibbie"!
I freakin'hate Sibbie!!!!
by Sot the burninator December 10, 2003
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1. the lamest character on homestarrunner.com.

2. A character that probably listens to a lot of emo, and fantasizes of swingsets, lunchboxes, picket fences, sunsets, ex-girlfriends' eyes (don't think he's ever had one though), and other emo crap (thanx to Jediak for the inspirashun).

3. Someone who it seems like yesterday that he was having his underwear set on fire by Strong Badand The Cheat.
-Aaaaah The Cheat... It seems like it was only yesterday that we were setting fire to Strong Sad's underwear...

-It WAS only yesterday...
by Sot the burninator December 10, 2003
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