1 definition by Soober

HOO-HAH DAY--An annual rite observed to mourn the passage of summer. Celebrated in northwest Suffolk County, Long Island NY. Festivities begin after sundown and take place on rooftops of suburban homes. HOO-HAH! is the proper greeting for the occasion,accompanied with the raising of ones hat off the head, or, if no hat is worn, mimicking the gesture with your hand. The phrase is also often hollered appropos of nothing, followed by smacking the head of the person nearest to you. It is considered an act of honor to invent a new beverage for the occasion, although iced tea and lemonade are favorites. Heavy comsumption of alcoholic beverages is by no means traditional but always encouraged. The late author James Thurber is the patron saint of the holiday, and his short story "The Night the Bed Fell" is deemed sacred text for the general confusion and disorder essential to this holiday.
"Are we celebrating Hoo-Hah day on your garage roof this year, or do we have to wait till grandma is asleep and use her roof?"
by Soober August 20, 2008
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