2 definitions by SomeUrbanDefinator

A person who loves reading books due to which they steal books.
Jake: Look, I have heard that guy is a Biblioklept. Even he doesn't know how many books he has stolen.
James: We cant blame him. Its just because he loves to read.
by SomeUrbanDefinator November 26, 2021
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1. When you are at the highest level of boredom.

2. This means that you are extreme pro max bored and don't know what to do except typing any random things on your keyboard.
That guy is facing extreme boredom. He is a qqqwqeqrqtqyquqiqoqpqaqsqdqfqgqhqjqkqlqzqxqcqvqbqnqm.
by SomeUrbanDefinator November 26, 2021
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