1 definition by SomeGuyInTheWorld

A word used by an idiotic male or an oblivious female.
Normally it means to be: Appealing to the qualities of a stereotypic joke, ignoring emotion, ignoring their female counterpart as a human and more as a sex toy.

In all actuality, a "real man" doesn't have to describe themselves and call themselves a real man. They prove it by being a good natured person.

Now this doesn't mean to be a "real man" you have to be perfect just don't be a dick or a prick or any ick words, and don't pertain to stereotypic cliched males.
A.K.A. The main Cobra Kai bully in Karate Kid.
Ricky: Hey man look at this pink shirt I have, shows off my muscles I'm gonna get the chicks tonight!
Ryan: Dude aren't you married?
Ricky: So?
Ryan: Well how about just do those things with your wife?
Ricky: I'ma real man!
Ryan: You're a real dick, I bet if you killed yourself, a girl in the world would say yes before feeling a bit of sadness or none at all.
by SomeGuyInTheWorld June 30, 2009
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