1 definition by So-Cal Cotixana (:

The BEST city in Michoacan. It's pretty small, but full of rich culture and friendly people. Home to the famous Cotija cheese. Most people go there in December to visit there family. There is a very popular tradition there called the "confetti" every Sunday night people (mostly teenagers) go to the plaza and walk around in circles throwing confetti at people they think are cute, sometimes guys will give girls roses and ask them to walk a lap around the Plaza with them. Most people there drive Motorcycles or Quads because of the small streets. Your most likely to find people from Cotija in California, Texas, and New York. It has a pretty crazy night life even though there is only a few discos/bars/clubs. The newest and most popular right now is El Baul. Many cute guys and girls there. At night a lot of guys pack into one car and blast music to creep on girls walking on the sidewalks. It's a small pueblo you wont forget. * Not a tourist attraction if you or your parents arent from here, dont come because your not welcome. We want to keep our small town small.
Are you going to Cotija this December?

Hell yeah, im going to Cotija! You know it!!
by So-Cal Cotixana (: February 20, 2011
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