2 definitions by So bored I typed qpzmalwixnkdc

I- I give up. H-how!?!?!?! What?!?!?!?! You were still bored after typing in qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm and poiuytrewqasdfghjklmnbvcxz that you decided to... do whatever that was. From the middle row, you start from the center, then- no, I can't define this. I don't even know how bored you were. It was previously believed to be humanly impossible to be that bored, but... NO!
I was so bored, I just HAD to type in every keyboard smash in existence into Urban Dictionary. So I got ghfjdkslamznxbcvtpyouirewq.
by So bored I typed qpzmalwixnkdc December 17, 2020
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When you become so bored, you decide to type in a keyboard smash "No one has ever done before!" Spoiler alert: They have. You became so bored you found me. You start with top left then middle right, and go right for the top, and left for the middle. When both the rows are done, you type in the bottom row left to right.
"I was so bored in online school!"
"No you weren't...! I was!"
"Oh wow. I bow down to you."
by So bored I typed qpzmalwixnkdc December 17, 2020
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