2 definitions by Snakes don’t hiss

The mart is a theoretical place used for browskis to discuss tactics before going chasing heifers. It is often a source of anger among females
Snakes don’t hiss they just go to the mart
by Snakes don’t hiss January 15, 2020
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Glasan is the residence of the GMIT buzzers. Often inhabited by the finest fiends around. The wall of Glasan is greater than the Great Wall of China. These fiends will endeavour to get a fillie over the wall to pump, rally or drill her. In the case where a fiend commits a Bannerton and the fillie is left in the shed a sick afters may be found “down the back”.
Glasan is a mad buzz for an afters if security fucks off
by Snakes don’t hiss January 15, 2020
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