1 definition by Smarter than you.

A political issue dividing the United States for which there are two main stances.

Pro Control Stance: A necessity in a country in which the Vice President manages to shoot someone in the face, "on accident."

Anti Control Stance: Owning a gun is great way to keep overbearing government and thiefs out of your home. Unfortunately, this is entirely useless in a country in which the government has weapons far beyond the scope of any law abiding citizen.

Philosophy behind the argument: Some people argue that this could be a "hands-off" issue for our politicians. That is, people who want guns can have them, people who don't can not own one. However, the armed will always have superior influence over the peaceful. Naturally, everyone must have the ability to defend themselves equally within the law. This is why we have law enforcement officials and courts. Armed citizenship undermines legal procedure. So, the decision boils down to vigilante justice or structured justice. One is quicker yet more dangerous, one is slower yet controllable.

Solution: Take the government's weapons and give them to the citizens. That way every private citizen has the ability to bomb the crap out of people they don't like. It's the American way.
Dick Cheney doesn't favor Gun Control because then he couldn't shoot his friends in the face.
by Smarter than you. June 18, 2006
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