2 definitions by Smöl

When you and a friend have sex with the same girl in the course of three years or 100 bangs, whichever comes first, you share a bond created by your penis in the girl. You are therefore penisiblings.
Bro 1: Dude, last night I got laid with that chick Tiffany
Bro 2: No way! We're penisiblings!
Bro 1: High five!
*The sound of this high five brings happiness to everyone in a 2 miles radius, and makes them say "Nice"*
by Smöl March 6, 2020
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The man's silence. It's an expression that stands for the silence in which one or several bros are watching a girl's ass silently for several seconds, which ends when one of them says "nice" or looks at another and communicate their feelings through telepathy.
Dude 1 and Dude 2 are staring at a girls ass
Dude 1: Nice
Dude 2: aww, you broke The Man's silence!
by Smöl March 3, 2020
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