1 definition by Sleizures

Rosie is a funny, crazy girl who loves licking things and watching people have sleizures. Despite common knowledge, she hates cheese, preferring pomegranates that might go well in a non alcoholic beer. Rosie has a tendency to blend into her surroundings, usually by climbing into small cupboards, perhaps this is to avoid contact with taller people, who, due to her relatively non- existent depth perception, she believes to be shorter than her. WARNING: if threatened, rosie may give you a nose bleed or use her powers of suggestion to make you lick walls or stairs. The only known weakness of rosie is the fact that she has an allergic reaction to some face masks and can become trapped between table tennis tables and sofas on occasion.
Despite all this Rosie is a really cool and beautiful person inside and out who you will always want to get to know better. She is the centre of the party and the soul of the group. Even the coolest of people will gravitate towards her and you may find yourself amongst those enchanted by her personality.
Did you hear what Rosie did?!
by Sleizures April 5, 2020
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