4 definitions by Skulldogman

When two or more people who possess similar passionate tastes in various hobbies, areas of study and other pursuits deemed "dorky" or "nerdy" engage in a non-sanctioned competition wherein the winner is crowned by their superior knowledge in said category.
We had a total dork-off while discussing trilobites and animal bones at the gem and mineral show.
by Skulldogman February 8, 2017
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When two or more people who possess similar passionate tastes in various hobbies, areas of study and other pursuits deemed "dorky" or "nerdy" engage in a non-sanctioned competition wherein the winner is crowned by their superior knowledge in said category.
We had a total dork-off while discussing trilobites and animal bones at the gem and mineral show.
by Skulldogman February 8, 2017
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When two or more people who possess similar passionate tastes in various hobbies, areas of study and other pursuits deemed "dorky" or "nerdy" engage in a non-sanctioned competition wherein the winner is crowned by their superior knowledge in said category.
We had a total dork-off while discussing trilobites and animal bones at the gem and mineral show.
by Skulldogman February 8, 2017
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When two or more people who possess similar passionate tastes in various hobbies, areas of study and other pursuits deemed "dorky" or "nerdy" engage in a non-sanctioned competition wherein the winner is crowned by their superior knowledge in said category.
We had a total dork-off while discussing trilobites and animal bones at the gem and mineral show.
by Skulldogman February 8, 2017
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