2 definitions by Siskel/Ebert

The Wizard of Oz is a movie classic. It's the most watched family movie of all times.

The Wizard of Oz opened in theaters on August 25, 1939 and has since became the best- loved movie in history.
Linda has never seen "The Wizard of Oz" , the most watched movie in the world. GOOD LORD!!!
by Siskel/Ebert June 30, 2023
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The most watched movie of all time. "The Wizard of Oz", released in 1939, is one of the most enduring family films of all time. It's a must see movie for all ages. It is a film that should be on everyone's bucket list, even though it's highly unlikely there is anyone over the age of 1 yr old that hasn't seen this amazing movie.
Linda may be possibly the only person to not have seen the film "The Wizard of Oz". Good Lord!!
by Siskel/Ebert July 1, 2023
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