1 definition by SirTrekALot

The modern, glamourous, cool age of trekkies. "Trekkies" can be defined as anyone with a love and devotion to the Star Trek phenomenon that dates back all the way to the 60s. TREKSTERS, however, are the latest version (think "hipster" meets "trekkie.") These are the people who are now in love with star trek after having only seen the 2009 movie. This is most likely due to the awesomeness of the 2009 movie or the good looks of Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto. While there is nothing wrong with finding a love for star trek through the modern movie, these star trek fans are not really "trekkies" because they've never enjoyed Star Trek, Next Generation, Voyager, Deep Space Nine, Enterprise of any related movies. They would also never consider dressing up as a klingon and attending any sort of convention.
Dana, who watches Star Trek starring William Shatner, is a total trekkie. But Hannah, who loves the new Star Trek movie and only went to go see it because she was intrigued by the leading mans good looks, is a total Trekster.
by SirTrekALot May 20, 2009
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