1 definition by Sir Deimos

On June 8, 2011, South Park brought attention to this pandemic of "shitty" music which is plaguing our world.

"A new music genre for the era of 2009 - 2012 (tweens)... If you have kids now, they're probably listening to it" - South Park s15e07

It's most notable list of mutated infants include Justin Beiber, Jonas Brothers, and the entire cast of Glee (except Jane Lynch).

Signs you are listening to Tween Wave music: When all you can hear is someone ripping ass into the microphone over a drumbeat. More precisely when it sounds like shit is spilling out of the speakers and puddling on the floor.
"Did you know we're living in the Tween time?... I guess it's the peroid between 2009 and 2012..." - redneck 1

"der I'd heard that." - redneck 2

"So they got this feller down at the bowling alley who gets up on stage and shits his britches.. " - 1

"what fer?" - 2

"I don't know, but he gets up there and strums a geetar and starts loadin' up his britches up like it's goin' out of style... It's like some sort of 'britches holocaust'... he calls it Tween Wave" - 1

Thanks South Park!
by Sir Deimos June 11, 2011
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