1 definition by Simple Scribe

A member of a Masonic Lodge. Freemasons generally focus on brotherly union, charity, and the community. First, to become a Mason you must meet a few requirements. The requirements are as follows:

1.Be a man who comes of his own will.
2.Believe in some Supreme Being, God, or Deity. This does not mean it has to be God. It is open for the interpretation and no one shall be placed in a situation of having to explain their interpretation.
3.Be of minimum age (depends on jurisdiction)
4.Be of good morals and reputation.
5.Be of sound mind and body.
6.Be free-born. You cannot be born a slave.
7.Be able to produce character references and possibly one or two references from current Masons.

A misconception is of them being "devil worshipers, pagans, NWO supporters" etc. There are a few clarifications I'd like to make to those judgments. Any form of devil worship is recognized in most forms except LaVeyan Satanism which can be disputed. Pagans I do not know if they'd be accepted considering they worship many gods, not one. And NWO is a political concept and thus excluded from any situation in the Masonic Lodges.

Masons have many levels and different organizations but the structure is mostly the same except a few specifications like rituals, passcodes, etc.

Most conspiracy theories about this organization comes from the secrecy they hold to their doings. They keep their privacy for their own reasons. It is just demonizing an organization trying to be peaceful and helpful.
Freemasons are people who work to help their communities, support charities, and assist their brothers.
by Simple Scribe October 8, 2010
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